Roos Pollmann // ROOSPEEE is a multidisciplinary artist with a focus on electronic music and immersive installation art.
As an eager to learn creative for over ten years she developed herself broadly (sound design, music composition, performance, installation art, poetry, interactive art and more) to make work that tells stories through sound and immersion.
Next to her solo practice she also has multiple artistic collaborations, and works commissioned based as a freelance composer, sound designer and creative producer.

Artistic collaborations
Questions Collective (multidisciplinary art collective specializing in installation art and promoting societal change through art)
The Listening Project (the starting point for the sound art installations and performanes by TLP is the endless list of unheard / unseen female perspectives in (sound) art.)
FLOWERS (band that combines traditional Doom Metal with heavy electronic music)

Past clients commissioned work (a selection)
Holland Festival, Rewire Festival, Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ, VPRO, Brakke Grond and more